Whole Lemon Mousse

It was a revelation for me when I first made this tart. One uses the entire lemon!  I loved that idea, not only does it save time, it tastes great and using the whole lemon gives you the highest amount of nutrition from the fruit so there is added smugness as a bonus.  :) The only modifications I make to Deb's recipe is replacing the sugar with honey [and less of it], thickening with tapioca instead of corn starch and using a grain free crust.

However what if you do not want to turn on the oven? It is high summer and simply too hot for ovens.

This led me to scouring the internet for a whole lemon mousse or curd. Which I could not find. So I created my own using the above recipe as inspiration. 

Some notes:

Buy an organic lemon if you can, remember you are eating the entire thing. Those with thinner skins [less white pith] will work best.  A food processor or high speed blender is needed to grind up the lemon. When I make my tapioca slurry for thickening I shake it in a jar.

This makes a tart lemon mousse, serve it with berries for extra sweetness if you desire.


1 organic lemon
I cup of honey
4 large eggs
2 T tapioca flour
pinch of salt

1 cup of heavy cream


Slice off and discard the two pointed ends of the lemon.
Slice the lemon into thin rounds and remove the seeds.
Process lemon rounds and honey until lemon is pureed.
Add eggs and process until smooth.
Pour this mixture into saucepan except 
Combine 1/4 cup of mixture with the tapioca flour to make a slurry.
Add tapioca slurry back to mixture in saucepan and stir.
Heat over medium heat. Watch carefully - it thickens quickly and scorches easily.
When thick remove mixture from heat, stir then chill through.

You now have a whole lemon version of lemon curd. To make mousse continue on...

Whip the heavy cream until peaks form.
Stir a large spoonful of heavy cream into chilled curd.
Then fold the rest of the heavy cream gently into curd.
Chill [again] until firm.
Serve with strawberries or other fruit as you desire and enjoy.

Sweets without using your oven.