Discover the joy and ease of creating a finger labyrinth with wool using simple needle felting techniques. Equipped with a labyrinth pattern of your choosing, you will employ small barbed needles to felt wool onto fabric making a beautiful, durable labyrinth that can fold and fit into a pocket.
The labyrinth is a great tool for increasing focus, calming the mind, decreasing stress and creating space for peace in your day. This lightweight labyrinth can be with you whenever it's needed.
Aside from learning basic needle felting techniques, we will also discuss how to incorporate labyrinth use in our everyday lives.
You will leave the workshop with the knowledge and supplies necessary to keep working on your labyrinth. No previous experience needed.
Some Questions Answered
I am not crafty at all. Will I be able to do this?
I believe so. If you can hold a pen, you can needle felt. The techniques are very straightforward.
Why would I want a labyrinth in my pocket?
To have a tool to turn to when your day feels out of control.
I don’t know anything about labyrinths. Is that all right?
No problem. There will be basic patterns to follow. You can pick one that delights you.
Can I bring my favorite labyrinth design?
Of course. Let me encourage you to keep your first attempt simple, no more than 5 circuits.
Can I buy more supplies than what are included?
You can. There will be additional supplies for purchase.
Can my child take this workshop?
Anyone over the age of 13 is welcome.
Will I finish my labyrinth in the workshop?
It depends on the design and your determination.
It is doable to finish a simple design in 2-3 hours.
Further questions about this workshop?
Email me engagedandblissfull AT gmail DOT com. Please put ‘Labyrinth workshop’ in the subject line.
September 20 2012, Ascension place.
Private session not open to the public
October 12, 2012, 9:00 am -Noon, $45 plus supply fee
A preliminary activity for the 2012 Labyrinth Society Conference.
Registration on the TLS website.
You do not need to attend the conference to attend this workshop.
More 2012 dates to be added as they are finalized.
Supply List - This is what you receive for your material fee.
Wool felt material -- Twelve inches square, any color.
Needle-felting Needles -- two or three, for fine work.
Foam -- two inches deep and six inches square
Wool -- roving, various colors, contrasting to your material above.
Extra supply kits will be available for purchase.