tired but spirited

The past 2 [3] days of work have been fairly hellish and my sleep has been full of weird dreams. In one my mother and I were shopping for undergarments, but that's a post for another time.

There is also big fun happening this week and it started last night. HN and I went out to dinner [sweet potato fries at the Herkimer] and to see Blythe Spirit at the Jungle Theatre and it was a delightful production. I highly recommend it and since it is actually running through the end of March 6 days a week you all have a chance to see it, [unlike the Klingon Xmas Carol where I felt like a tease because it was gone by the time I gushed about it last December]. There really isn't a bad seat in the house although if you didn't want to crank your neck you may want to avoid row AA. I noticed that there are 5 women and only 2 men in the cast and I had to wonder how much WWII had to do with that considering that Coward wrote the play in 1941. As I walked out at the end I had to wonder is it a bit misogynist that play? Yes perhaps, why then did I enjoy it so much? Hmmm. I'd be interested in other opinions if you have one.

The fun continues this week with both a writing get together tomorrow night and IMAD this Friday. Stay tuned here for special IMAD updates and perhaps even a surprise...

Tonight is the Y, I don't want to go, but I am going. Thank goodness I agreed to meet a friend it is getting me out of the house.


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