change of season

Yesterday, the first day of autumn, was a day of near constant rain, windy and oddly mild in temperature. Today the wind is roaring, it's cooler and things are drying out a bit even with the heavy clouds. This is a good thing because I was distracted and let the interior of my car get soaked yesterday.

The rain reminded me of how much I enjoy a warm rain in the woods. The pattering of rain on the many leaves of the trees is sublime. Moving through the cottage listening to that sound casts a special magic of it's own. Cozy and refreshing.

I could certainly use some cozy warmth right now. It's been a stressful month in many ways. And there is just a week left, I can't believe it's almost October. My wish for you all; some coziness and comfort. Perhaps a big pot of soup of your choice?


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