May half over!

Sometimes it does go by like a flash, May half over already just doesn't seem possible.

My herb garden has been extremely consuming. Trying to keep all the plants alive while we finish up the geometric patterned beds. The cold put me behind in the digging, and now it's seems to be catch up time with incredible cold days alternating with July type weather.

I really do think that the garden will be wonderful and my dear wife and friends are helping so much with the bed lay out. None of realized how hard laying out near perfect symmetrical bricks would be. Definitely takes two people. And a square. And a lot of patience.

The annuals and plants are starting to go in even though we are waiting to put in the basil for another couple of weeks, it was in the thirties last night.

Being outside so much I have really been noticing the spring, the rain, the birds, the colors. It has all been really wonderful just not good for blogging.

There is hope though, the chairs and table were moved out to the patio, soon I may be on the computer by the waterfall sharing it all with you.


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