So why not show Art, I thought. Here is a piece I finally framed after it languishing in a box for years. It is a needlepoint pattern based on a quilt pattern. I love the geometry of it and it makes me so happy that it is hanging in my haven. Beauty inside and out!
Some Art
summer and patience

It's winter until March 20 but we jumped to summer this week. Temps around 80 for days. Between the heat and DST my ass has been kicked! I am just starting to adjust to the time and weather change.
These are some of the reasons why I have not yet blogged about Patience which I saw last Sunday the 11th. This picture is of the gorgeous, effective set. Truly beautiful. The opera matched the set and is the funniest G&S I have ever seen. The chorus of 'lovesick maidens' in their classical dress -- loved them. All of the leads -- accomplished singers. The music was wonderful. Highly recommended go see it and enjoy. Hopefully it is not completely sold out. Off to dancing, it's going to be a hot night!
Hopefully useful
Some may have noticed that I added a couple of new ways to get updates from this blog. RSS feed and email updates. It's been less than a week and people are using them so I think it's useful. If there are other not too time consuming ways I can make the whole blog more welcoming let me know.
There are so many things I could blog about next. I am thinking an art post. Or should it be a play review first? Decisions will probably be easier after some sleep.
Any way you come to visit you are so welcome here. xo
one more ball picture
Here is another group shot of some fun people that dance with me. I capture great sleeve movement in this photo. :) A ball tends to be a very happy place and I feel lucky that I was healthy this year and so could really enjoy it. More fun is planned for this weekend -- dancing and a play. I hope you all have time for fun this weekend as well. xo
So much glitter -- Playford 2012
The ball always has a program which makes it easy for me to give certain dances a miss which increases my enjoyment. My two friends and I wore our tiaras and they were greatly admired. Although I am not a huckster I could have easily worn a button -- "make your own tiara, ask me how!"It would be fun if a lot of people took me up on it next year. Tiaras everywhere.
My wife made me a gorgeous new gown this year.[not pictured] A slate blue chiffon over a salmon pink silk. She is so talented though she says it may be the last chiffon creation she ever makes, it was extremely difficult to sew. It was truly wonderful though and suited the gossamer theme perfectly.
I only took two months off from dancing last year [November and July] and it seemed to pay off in increased stamina. I made it to the after party for the first time in years and didn't leave until 3 am. Although our host envisioned a 'breakfast at Tiffanys' style party, so many of us changed clothing after the ball we were a casual lot. We certainly had fun though.
The one word I would use to sum up this ball was glitter. I'm guessing it will be several weeks before it is all gone. Sparkly is good though.
whirlwind day
Well -- it's March today. February ended with slushy, soggy, messy snow so it's lovely to have it be March and remember Spring is less that 3 weeks away.
It was a busy full day today, including the dentist, and in the evening I volunteered to teach a few women knitting. This was fun and a challenge. One woman has been practicing for 2 weeks and wanted to learn how to perl and the other two had never picked up needles. It was a bit hard to try to show it all.
When the self talk of the two beginners got really negative I felt at a loss. I didn't want to contradict their feelings. But I also wanted to remind them of reality -- when you are trying to learn a new thing it is hard. That's how new things are, there is no fault. I want to say more about this but I realize I'm too tired. I have been noticing my tiredness pattern lately.
Sigh. Hand on heart and deep bow to all the teachers in my life. And off to bed. xo
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