Easy Buckwheat Pancakes

I have always loved buckwheat pancakes and during this grain free experiment I can eat them all the time. These are both easy to make and easy on your tummy,
and adapted from many, many sources. 

Pre work -- start heating your greased pan. Usually just under medium heat.

Dry Ingredients

3/4 c buckwheat flour, heaping
3/4 c almond flour
1/8 c tapioca flour
3/4 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
pinch of salt

Whisk these together. 

Wet Ingredients

1 egg
1 c milk, any kind
2 T oil or melted butter
1 T agave nectar or other sweetener [optional]

Stir, combining the wet with the dry, forming batter.
Use a 1/4 c to measure batter out onto pan.
Flip when the bubbles have stopped popping, 60-90 seconds.

Serve with syrup, fruit, jam, or use for a savory base.

Enjoy  xox


Grease pan between pancakes as needed.
Makes about 12 three inch pancakes.
The pan should never smoke.
I am using my cast iron skillet for these. 

that no grain thing

The first week of no grain is coming to an end. I can't tell if my physical issues are from the food adjustment or allergies or some hideous combination of them. Let's call them digestive discomforts, sleep discomforts and muscle discomforts -- and ignore them for the rest of this post.

I searched in vain for an easy grain free pancake recipe I liked this week. One that did not call for a trillion eggs or request me to separate said eggs. Whipping and folding egg whites is more than I want to face in the morning. So I made one up. So far so good. I'll post it as soon as I test it a bit more. Hmm -- Is lack of grain increasing my sarcasm?

I noticed part of me is already so tired of thinking about food all the time. Or it feels like all the time. I will be delighted when the newness of no grain eating wears off and I just do it without having to plot and plan. Forty-six more days of this experiment. I'm not thinking about what may come next.

Ah, I remember this now

My regular medical doctor is great in so many ways. When I had aches in my chest, she eliminated cardiac problems, said she noticed some muscles spasming and recommended that I go to my acupuncturist. Or get a massage. [If you are local and need a new doctor let me know] If I didn't know an acupuncturist she would have whipped out a list of names.

I spoke to her about another issue and she suggested a food sensitivity causing inflammation. I told her I had just checked [again] this winter for sensitivity to wheat, corn and dairy -- no positives.  'So it's probably all grains then, not just wheat', she said cheerfully.

I was silent and thought. I have not been grain free since 2002 - 2004. I was not 100% grain free but I did feel less inflamed. Although I am 90% whole grains currently they could be bothering me. My best friend pointed out that I had a allergy to grass pollens so it makes sense that I could be sensitive to their seeds. It's so logical.

I decided I was up for an experiment and my wife even volunteered to join me. What's two months or so? It's a great time of year to eat veggies and fruit. So we started on Monday.

I am so hungry.

I remember now this happened last time. My body is going through a huge adjustment. Grains help me to feel full and my body is confused right now. I know it will pass but still...

It sucks right now to be grain free.

happy, happy April [so far]

I have noticed that March was light on the blogging. Not sure what to attribute that to --travel perhaps. I do know that I miss it when I am not here. [Here at home and here on the blog!]

It is April and I am in a fabulous mood. Everywhere I turn my attention I notice happy stuff. I want to list some of it here. Actually I want to list it, then print it then eat the list, I love so much right now. Which sounds even crazier now I see it in print. *shrug*

Today I ate lunch outside, by my waterfall which was turned on and it was blissful. Lunch was a tuna and sprout sandwich with sorrel from my herb garden. It wintered over fine. Yummy. I was gifted some raw milk, which is one of my favorite things and have been delighted with every glass. Loving treats.

The pear trees are blooming as are the strawberries. The delphiniums are eight inches high. I can sit on my bench in the herb garden again. The city changed how we recycle garden waste. They now allow containers and I am so glad about that. The friends plant sale listing is out. Yay plants!

My house guests were here for most of the week. All last week I was braced for something to 'go wrong' with travel plans but it didn't! They came, they were awesome and it was wonderful. Of course they couldn't stay forever but I am not dwelling on the leaving part.

The knitting group I envisioned for Ascension Place got started by someone else. Now I can take joyful part in it and not have to organize it. I have been finding the space for my knitting and enjoying it a lot. 

I was feeling some stress again about finding light-weight pants for this summer but I have found someone to make them for me out of linen. It will be so awesome and I am so relieved. I will be able to deal with the heat if it comes.

I could just babble on and on today -- friends, family, spring, plants, animals are all so enjoyable. It's amazing to have this period of delight. Wishing delight to all. Share if you want about something fabulous. xo