Cake Curse

I try to be upbeat when I host a party. If my tables are dusty or something else is off I don't bring attention to it and worry my guests. This usually works well and contributes to joy I think. Yesterday tried me though even with the perfect summer weather. Dinner well received and we ate on the terrace. However dessert was not what it could have been.

I made a birthday cake for a dear friend. I used a known recipe that I have made several times successfully.

The cake didn't rise. I don't know why. It was so frustrating. Why is it that cakes fail when it is an occasion? How do 'they' know?! I know this happens to others - heck Anne in Anne of Green Gables mentions it over 100 years ago. But it is still frustrating.

Luckily it still tasted quite good especially smothered with homemade cherry sauce and whipped cream. The plates were a pretty distraction as well.


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