My 12 days of posting in a row are over. But I had a good reason.
We have closed on the cottage!! It was surreal and exhausting and wonderful. All the snow and ice is gone and I got to see the blue, blue of the lake. It was so beautiful.
I got to see all the old stuff being carried out. And the first bit of our stuff went in. We got to meet the wood stove. We completely froze on the air mattress because we didn't have an insulating layer between the mattress and the freezing foundation.
We sat on the deck and admired the water. The dogs waded and drank it. I was reminded how horrible it is to live with out running water and then felt gratitude when I thought about how few people on the planet have it.
It just mind boggling to think of this cottage on this beautiful lake we now have to cherish. Sure there is a lot to be done, but for now I drank in the quiet.
and the fact that there are no bugs out yet!
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