closing week fright

I could write about the yummy palm sugar cookies I made today and question why exactly they were so crispy. I could bemoan the fact that it is cold and wet and snowing here this weekend. I could also try to write a more intimate truth.

We are closing on the lake house this week and I am freaking out! It is all going to become so real so very, very soon. I still have no idea if I will like spending lots of time in a lake house I am responsible for...I don't know how hardly anything works...I worry I won't have time, I'll lose activities that I enjoy doing here and now. Nothing is really in my control. Why am I making a big purchase when the economy is spinning? What if house prices drop even more and I kick myself? Why is this the week when I am so busy at work? What if work goes away like it did for over 600,000 people last month alone!! Is the weather ever going to warm up? Do all my friends and family think I am nuts to be doing this?

Basically, I am spinning around in my head. The fear of the unknown is something. And this is something I signed up for, it's not something that just happened to me. eeekk!!
....deep breathing...
Of course today I did realize I could get the red toaster oven for here, the toaster oven I have been craving since Rome and take my great copper toaster up to the lake. That made me pretty happy. I am such the appliance nut.

I will breathe and think about the new appliances I will now have an excuse to buy.


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