After a 9 day fast

I was very hopeful that one of the results of my 9 day fast would be that shorter fasts would seem easy in comparison.

This has not happened. (yet)  Will it ever I wonder?

Most evenings after work no matter what my brain is so cranky about me not eating at the 'right' time. Sometimes I can ignore it but sometimes not. In this scenario distraction is my friend.

Planning helps. I need to plan what I am doing in the hours between 5pm and 8pm to keep my fast going or else I struggle with automatically eating.

This week I will be working late one night and I should probably get the xmas tree un-decorated... I guess it is time.  lol

No new lows on the scale for me but my slacks are certainly looser than they were at the beginning of the month. I will enjoy that NSV.


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