Weirdness of my tape measure

As part of my journey I take my measurements at waist, hip, bust, thigh and neck every once awhile.

I don't do it very often because it changes so slowly. For me the scale is what I monitor daily and it gives me way more encouragement. Still I have a goal to get my waist to height ratio under .5 as this is a good proxy for proper insulin sensitivity so I do check it.

My waist has been the same size since 12/29/18. But I am wearing a size smaller in slacks - so my waist is smaller.  It has to be but when I measure I still get the same number.

Somehow I am getting smaller without it 'showing' on my tape measure. It must be user error but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

So weird. Well at least the scale moves.
New low today, 53.2 pounds gone!


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