First half of March plans over-written by the Unexpected

Oh well.  The first half of March was not at all what I had in mind. 

First the 4 day fast did not happen. Even though there was no one and no food around my cravings to eat were intense. I ate about one meal a day with 18 hour to 26 hour fasts in between. Apparently my cravings aren't triggered by environment - that is useful info.

Then I needed to go out of town unexpectedly for work. So there were too many restaurant meals. It was a smallish group and I simply felt too weird and unprepared to fast with a bunch of strangers 'watching'.  They could have probably cared less but ...  preparation is so important for me.

I stuck to meat and veg meals that had slightly more carbs in breading and sauces but things tasted strange and sweet and very unsatisfying. 

Now I am home and back to eating normal for me and getting ready to throw another birthday party for family this weekend. March feels very hard.

My cravings are still through the roof so I am doing a couple days of 'fat-fasting' and trying to reset. I want to do the consistent every other day pattern for the last 2 weeks of March. Hopefully my plans will not be derailed again. *fingers crossed*


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