Unexpected NSV

One non-scale victory I 'saw' this week. I have scars disappearing.

I was listening to an intermittent fasting podcast where someone was talking about scars going away and it was like a light bulb went off for me. I pulled up the leg of my slacks and sure enough the scar on my right knee is gone.

I got that scar when I was 12 years old! I had that scar for decades. I still remember the injury. It was the first time in my life I had stitches.

Now I look at my knee and I can see a faint line if I am in strong sunshine and completely extend my knee joint. The surface of the skin looks different then.  But of course I know where to look. I can't imagine anyone else would ever notice anything.

It's weird and stunning. Then I checked my ankle surgery scars and sure enough they are fading as well. So are two recent scars on my shoulder blade and hip from precancerous skin removals. My scars from back surgery 15 years ago also look different although it's hard for me to see them.

Of course scar fading was not an outcome I thought about when I started this journey but it's rather thrilling. Especially during a month when the scale isn't really moving, it's nice to know my body is still healing in other ways.


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