wrapping up the week at random

Another week of stunning autumn weather. I can't even count how many days this has been going on anymore but it has been blissful.

This week I got a couple of bike rides in and enjoyed them immensely. As I rode west down the greenway I realized it was for the first time this year. Some lovely plantings had been made. Between having my bike stolen last spring and working on the running thing I just didn't have time for bike rides. I'm looking forward to getting more riding done in the nice weather that is coming up.

I attempted Bird's nest pudding with some of my apples, no recipe to share yet. The oddest thing happened it was not sweet enough. It is so rare that something is not sweet enough for me! I'll have to work on the recipe quite a bit more, it needs major tweaking.

I tried to bring order back to the chaos of my work after taking a week off. Rather dispiriting. I was able to blog which was lovely. My friend who had the stroke agreed to go back on medication again, hopefully it will last. I had breakfast with a friend and tomorrow I return back to English Country dancing. I have ideas for this years nanowrimo.

I hope you all had nice weeks as well.


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