finishing up Austin and word count

I am so behind in my 'reports' and I feel sad about it. Between the whole have to work thing, having another fabulous weekend here at home and now a nasty draining head cold my days have just been slipping away.

Word count = 70,771. I know I look at that number and think 'who are you?' I have about 4/5 of the story down so the first draft is almost done. It's been great. Though not today when I tried to open my saved copy which had tons of new stuff that was not backed up anywhere else and my computer told me my document was corrupted. Things were pretty fraught for awhile there. All is well though.

So our last full day in Austin started with a lovely springtime thunderstorm The rest of the day was quite cool but nothing we hearty northerners can't handle. That was just full of fun again, more yummy mexican food, great people, then part of the showcase at Bookwoman. The store's new location is very nice and their southbysouthequinox show was charming. Chris Pureka wrapped up a showcase, it was great seeing her in such a relaxed setting and I appreciate her picking up my hat. I see she is coming into Minneapolis on Beltane.

Then we went back to Trophy's for the second GoGirls showcase. Another very interesting mix of music and I sure appreciate what Madalyn Sklar and her group is trying to do - getting women in music out there. No big stand outs like Melissa Ferrick was the night before though. I did find the earplugs for the taking by the sound guy, they really helped me appreciate some of the lyrics of the performers. My neck was so sore that night but new friends were so sweet about trying to rub that out.

Another super late night, we snacked on tacos and went home again. Only 12 more hours before we left Austin. They were spent hanging out, packing, walking around on the trails in the brisk morning sunshine, talking and shopping. It really was a great break. The company was so wonderful and the music, city, weather, everything else so enjoyable. Except the leaving.

Here's my wish for you; that you have a great vacation this year as well!


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