so if it's not an iPad

Wonder no more. It's a MacBook Air 11.

Although it's been a long time the only computers that I have ever owned, not given to me by work, have been Apples.

First impressions in the first 24 hours: I like it. Easy to use, my fingers only took about 15 minutes to get used to the Mac OS again.

Nice keyboard, nice screen. Freakishly light. Dainty even. I am rather afraid I could accidentally harm it. I need a nice padded sleeve. I look forward to traveling with it.

I wonder how I'll do without the optical drive, probably fine... or else a super drive is in my future.

It's rather freeing after 7+ years to have my own computer again. I'll have to check in after a month or so. I am certainly ready for nanowrimo this year.


Máire said...

Whoo! Comhghairdeas leat!

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