prepping for dinner IV

The roman numerals make me think of the Superbowl...dinner parties -- like a super bowl but with better food. In my own head I can be so funny. :)

Anyway, making my list for the coop. Talking food choices with DW and searching for that wild rice that I am sure that I have. Noticing the cleanliness level of my dishes in a whole new way. Mostly just enjoying the anticipation of knowing soon we will be seeing some of our friends and really enjoying them.

I am a big dork who loves to think about flowers on the table and wonder about the weather. Should I sweep the front porch out, will it be warm enough that people might actually enjoy being outside a bit? I love the setting up, the cooking, the tidying afterwards. Reining in my Italian upbringing that constantly wonders 'is that enough food, will people get enough?'. Luckily I married a Swede who can talk me down from that edge. "honey there is plenty, people will love it" and so on. Must decide on a dessert. This is a hard thing to do. So many choices. I love making desserts that people adore with whole wheat flour and agave nectar or palm sugar instead of sugar. So Cream puffs? Cheesecake? Apple Tart? Homemade ice cream?

Apparently I just love dinner parties. I feel giddy. I love that I don't feel like I am constantly working, I love chatting to everyone. I love cooking for people. I love the balance I feel in my life, it's a great antidote to work.

Above all I remember the most important thing, most people are more than delighted to eat food someone else has cooked for them. It will be great.


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